Cases Studies of Colic in Babies

Case Studies of Colic in Babies

Your Stories


Mrs Danielle Alesi, Borehamwood

My little girl Sofia started to cry for 3-4 hours every night from about 10 days old. As first time parents we were tried everything from white noise to walking with her but nothing seemed to help. It really is hard seeing your baby cry and cry and not be able to make it better. We started to use Infacol at about 3 weeks. We give it to her before every feed and I feel it really helps her. Sofia is now 7 weeks old and I feel we now have a very happy little baby.

Infacol is licensed for the treatment of wind, infant colic and griping pain. Contains simeticone. Always read the label.

Mrs Rachael Pickering, England

Having just brought a new-born home we were beside ourselves when every night she was doubled over, clearly in pain, with trapped wind. From 7pm until 3am she did not sleep and screamed. Nothing we did soothed her, until we tried Infacol. After a few days there was a huge improvement and last night we as parents managed to get some proper sleep! She's only 11 days old and initially I was worried about using medicine so young, but it has worked wonders already!

Infacol is licensed for the treatment of wind, infant colic and griping pain. Contains simeticone. Always read the label.
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Miss Tanya Stiles, Stoke-on-trent

I was scared of leaving the house with her. At thirteen weeks old (which felt like years), she finally overcame colic and that's when I was able to finally enjoy taking her out and meeting with other mums and babies. She's 6 and a half years old now and a completely different baby! Infacol was my lifesaver!

Infacol is licensed for the treatment of wind, infant colic and griping pain. Contains simeticone. Always read the label.

Mr Adam Clarke, Lincoln

Colic was one of the greatest fears I had as a dad to be and unfortunately it came true. Seeing your baby cry relentlessly without being able to help her or make her happy feels like you're failing as a parent. It also creates stress and tension between you and your partner making the whole thing much worse. Thankfully, Infacol and a white noise machine helped calm her down and make things less stressful.

Infacol is licensed for the treatment of wind, infant colic and griping pain. Contains simeticone. Always read the label.

Mrs Rebecca Wright, Bolton

My daughter suffered with colic from 6 weeks old. It stressed me out because I could see just how much pain and discomfort she was in and felt helpless. After using Infacol we never looked back, the Infacol gave our little one some relief and we noticed the improvements within a few days. My baby spent most of her time smiling. It gave us a better nights sleep as she was much more settled and in general she was a much happier baby.

Infacol is licensed for the treatment of wind, infant colic and griping pain. Contains simeticone. Always read the label.
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Mrs Danielle Nicholson, Nottingham

We would get to 6 o'clock at night and the symptoms would start. She would pull her legs up, go red in the face, cry inconsolably and go very rigid! I used Infacol from when she was about 10 days old and within two weeks my baby's symptoms of colic had reduced. She brings her wind up better with Infacol.

Infacol is licensed for the treatment of wind, infant colic and griping pain. Contains simeticone. Always read the label.
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Mrs Lucy Osiac, Wales

My beautiful son is 8 days old today. Since we brought him home from the hospital we have had trouble settling him to sleep. He would be well fed, winded, clean nappy, but would spend at least an hour after each feed squirming, legs pulled in and looking very uncomfortable. We researched it on the website and asked advice from the midwife as I was initially concerned with him being so little. I have used Infacol for 2 days and it is already making a big difference. He is visibly much more comfortable after a feed. He has just slept soundly for 2 hours, a record! I will definitely be continuing to use Infacol.

Infacol is licensed for the treatment of wind, infant colic and griping pain. Contains simeticone. Always read the label.
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Miss Kathy Evans, England

My experience with having a colicky baby was horrible at first; she was very upset, had trapped wind and I hardly slept. Then Infacol changed her into at different baby. She was much more happy and content. Infacol was a godsend.

Infacol is licensed for the treatment of wind, infant colic and griping pain. Contains simeticone. Always read the label.

Mrs Emma Coote, Littleport

When my eldest son, Jasper, came home with us nearly three years ago, colic reared its ugly head very quickly. My husband and I took shifts eating and sleeping to cuddle Jasper and keep him happy. As I was breastfeeding, night times were the worst, as my husband couldn't take over. Baby and I would be up all night - walking, rocking, bouncing, feeding, but mostly crying. When we tried Infacol it was a last resort and I didn't really think it would work. But it ended a nightmare for us and I finally got to share my nights with a happy, SLEEPING baby!

Infacol is licensed for the treatment of wind, infant colic and griping pain. Contains simeticone. Always read the label.

Mrs Lara Latchem, Bristol

My son suffered from colic from about 3 weeks old. We started using Infacol and this helped greatly. We also found using baby massage and carrying him in a sling really helped make life with a colicky baby easier.

Infacol is licensed for the treatment of wind, infant colic and griping pain. Contains simeticone. Always read the label.

Mrs Danielle Alesi, Borehamwood

My little girl Sofia started to cry for 3-4 hours every night from about 10 days old. As first time parents we were tried everything from white noise to walking with her but nothing seemed to help. It really is hard seeing your baby cry and cry and not be able to make it better. We started to use Infacol at about 3 weeks. We give it to her before every feed and I feel it really helps her. Sofia is now 7 weeks old and I feel we now have a very happy little baby.

Infacol is licensed for the treatment of wind, infant colic and griping pain. Contains simeticone. Always read the label.

Mrs Rachael Pickering, England

Having just brought a new-born home we were beside ourselves when every night she was doubled over, clearly in pain, with trapped wind. From 7pm until 3am she did not sleep and screamed. Nothing we did soothed her, until we tried Infacol. After a few days there was a huge improvement and last night we as parents managed to get some proper sleep! She's only 11 days old and initially I was worried about using medicine so young, but it has worked wonders already!

Infacol is licensed for the treatment of wind, infant colic and griping pain. Contains simeticone. Always read the label.
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