As your pregnancy progresses, you’re probably wondering what size your baby is each week. Here’s our pregnancy week by week guide.

Week 4
Your baby is about the size of a poppy seed. This is around the stage when a pregnancy is detectable by a pregnancy test.
Week 5
Your baby is about the size of a sesame seed.
Week 6
Your baby is about the size of a lentil. It’s roughly a quarter inch long.
Week 7
Your baby is roughly the same size as a blueberry and is about half an inch long.
Week 8
Your little one is now roughly the same size as a kidney bean. It’s just over half an inch long and is moving.
Week 9
Your baby is roughly the size of a grape. It’s about an inch long, but it has fully developed eyes. The eyelids are fused shut.
Week 10
Now, your little one is approximately the same size as a kumquat. It’s a little over an inch in length, and weighs about a quarter of an ounce.
Week 11
Your baby is about the size of a fig. It’s roughly an inch and a half in length, and is kicking, stretching and moving, although you won’t be able to feel it just yet.
Week 12
Your baby is now roughly the same size as a lime. It’s about two inches long, and weighs about half an ounce.
Week 13
Your little one is roughly the same size as a pea pod. It’s about three inches long, and weighs about an ounce.
Week 14
Your baby is approximately the same size as a lemon. It’s about three and a half inches, and weighs about an ounce and a half. At this stage, your little one can frown, grimace, pee and may even be able to suck their thumb.
Week 15
Your baby is now about the size of an apple. It’s about two and a half ounces, and four inches long.
Week 16
In week 16 of pregnancy, your baby is about the same size as an avocado. It weighs about three and a half ounces and is about four and a half inches long.
Week 17
Your little one is now roughly the size of a turnip. It’s about five ounces, and five inches long.
Week 18
Your baby is now about the size of a bell pepper. It’s about five and a half inches in length and weighs about seven ounces. During this stage, girls will develop a uterus and fallopian tubes. Boys will develop genitals.
Week 19
Your baby is now approximately six inches long, and eight and half ounces. It’s about the same size as an heirloom tomato.
Week 20
Your little one is about the size of a banana. It’s about six and a half inches long and weighs about ten and a half ounces.
Week 21
At this point, the measurements for your baby are from head to heel. Previous measurements would have been from head to bottom as your baby would have been curled up.
Your baby is now roughly the size of a carrot and weighs about twelve ounces. It’s about ten and a half inches long.
Week 22
Your baby is about the size of a spaghetti squash. It’s roughly eleven inches long, and weighs about a pound.
Week 23
Your little one is now about the same size as a mango. It’s just over eleven inches long and is just over a pound.
Week 24
Your baby is now roughly the size of an ear of corn. It’s almost a foot long, and weighs about a pound and a quarter.
Week 25
At this stage, your baby is about the size of a swede. It’s about a pound and a half, and thirteen and half inches.
Week 26
Your little one is about the same length as a spring onion. It’s about fourteen inches long, and weighs about a pound and two thirds.
Week 27
Your baby is now about the same size as a cauliflower. It’s roughly fourteen and a half inches long and weighs roughly two pounds.
Week 28
Your baby is roughly the same size as an aubergine. It’s about fifteen inches long and weighs two pounds and a quarter. It can blink, and the eyelids now have eyelashes.
Week 29
Your baby is now about the size of a butternut squash. It’s just over fifteen inches and weighs about two and a half pounds.
Week 30
Your little one is now about the same size as a large cabbage. It’s almost sixteen inches in length, and three pounds in weight.
Week 31
Your little one is now about the size of a coconut. It’s just over sixteen inches long, and just over three pounds.
Week 32
Your baby is roughly the same length as a leaf of kale. It weighs just over three and a half pounds and is just over sixteen and a half inches in length.
Week 33
Your baby is about the same size as a pineapple. It’s just over four pounds and is around seventeen inches.
Week 34
Your baby is about the size of a cantaloupe. It’s about eighteen inches and weighs about four and a half pounds.
Week 35
Your little one is now roughly the same size as a honeydew melon. It’s just over five pounds, and more than eighteen inches.
Week 36
Your baby is roughly the size of a romaine lettuce. It’s about eighteen and a half inches, and just over six pounds.
Week 37
Your baby is about the same length as Swiss chard. It’s about nineteen inches long and weighs almost six and a half pounds.
Week 38
Your little one is now about the same length as a leek. It’s about nineteen and a half inches long and weighs almost seven pounds.
Week 39
Your baby is about the same size as a small watermelon. It’s about twenty inches long and weighs just over seven pounds.
Week 40
Your baby is now about the same size as a small pumpkin. It’s about twenty inches long and weighs about seven and a half pounds.